Sunday, June 30, 2013
"Brisdelle", First Non-Hormonal Treatment For Hot Flashes Approved By FDA
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has just approved the drug "Brisdelle" (paroxetine) for the treatment of hot flashes due to menopause. This is the first non-hormonal treatment to be approved by the FDA for hot flashes associated with menopause...
Onyx explores possible sale, rejects Amgen offer
By Ryan Vlastelica NEW YORK (Reuters) - Onyx Pharmaceuticals Inc said on Sunday it is weighing a sale of the company, after rejecting a roughly $10 billion takeover offer from larger rival Amgen Inc as too low. The company said the offer price of $120 a share in cash, which represents a premium of about 38 percent to the company's Friday closing price, "significantly undervalued" its prospects. Onyx said in a statement it was "actively exploring" the possibility of combining with another company, and that it had hired financial advisor Centerview Partners to contact potential buyers. ...
"Brisdelle", First Non-Hormonal Treatment For Hot Flashes Approved By FDA
"Brisdelle", First Non-Hormonal Treatment For Hot Flashes Approved By FDA
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has just approved the drug "Brisdelle" (paroxetine) for the treatment of hot flashes due to menopause. This is the first non-hormonal treatment to be approved by the FDA for hot flashes associated with menopause...
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Three-Person IVF Gets UK Government Backing
The UK government has backed three-person IVF, i.e. creating babies using DNA from three people. The UK government said the procedure will probably be available in 2015 after draft regulations have been produced. Current IVF techniques leave some babies open to potentially disabling and sometimes life-threatening mitochondrial diseases, which are inherited from the mother...
Ritalin May Help In Treating Addiction
Friday, June 28, 2013
Food is a multi-sensory experience
Exploring Procedures to Eliminate Stretch Marks
The Benefits of Being Picky
I am a picky eater. I always have been, especially when it came to fruits and vegetables. I picked at them while guzzling diet soda and chewing a triple cheeseburger. I picked at salads while waiting for my Monte Cristo sandwich to come from Bennigan’s kitchen. I rarely ate apples but would happily gobble down apple pies at McDonald’s.
I was picky in a bad way.
In the 15 years since I lost 150 pounds, I’ve become picky in a good way. I changed from being picky about fruits and vegetables to being picky about all the food we consume and the beverages we eat.
Here are some of my picky ways:
1. I now read food labels. I never used to read a food label – ever. Although we do not buy all organic foods or all non-GMO foods, I am selective in the foods I purchase and read the labels of any processed foods I am not familiar with.
2. I carefully rate my food. When I am in a social situation where food is present, I rate the available choices from a scale of one to ten, with one being a total loser food and ten being a total winner. I mainly rate any “treat-type” foods in order to decide whether they are worth the calories. For example, a “one” would be store bought cookies and a “ten” might be a slice of my friend’s cheesecake. If I decide to have a piece, I have a small sliver guilt-free.
3. I saw no and don’t worry about what people think. I don’t like confrontation so this was hard for me. In the past, when I was obese, I would take some of everything, even if I did not like it. Now I just politely say “No thank you” to foods that do not fit into my weight maintenance plan or foods I just do not want.
(A friend of mine once told me that I wasn’t picky, just particular about my food choices. That term is a little nicer isn’t it?)
In any event, being picky with your food does not have to be a negative thing. Instead, being picky with your food can be a positive thing – provided you are picky about the right things.
Have you become picky or “particular” about your food since you began getting healthier? How? Diane
Image courtesy of Ambro
FDA Approves Hemophilia B Drug "Rixubis"
Sanofi wins diabetes drug approval in Japan
Inside the mind of a murderers
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Will Eating 2 Meals a Day Help You Lose Weight?
“Eat three meals plus one to two snacks a day” is what I usually recommend to all my patients. But a recent study presented at the American Diabetes Conference last weekend had me thinking that perhaps this is not the best advice—for a split moment, that is.
Shift in caesarean sections in US
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Robo-Pets Help Dementia Patients
Exercise alone helps type 2 diabetes
Exercise benefits people with type 2 diabetes, even if they don't make any other changes, a new study says.
How to Diet the Easy Way With Prepared Meals
Harmonious Ways to Prevent and Treat Insect Bites
Lure, variety of designer drugs is alarming, U.N. agency says
By Fredrik Dahl VIENNA (Reuters) - A sharp rise in the variety of legal "designer drugs" with names that entice young people into thinking they pose no risk is alarming from a public health standpoint, the United Nations drugs agency said on Wednesday. The number of new psychoactive substances - marketed as "designer drugs" and "legal highs" - as reported by member states jumped by more than 50 percent in less than three years to 251 by mid-2012, the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime said. "This is an alarming drug problem - but the drugs are legal," it said. ...
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
DIY Vegan Pedicure: Keep your feet in shape this summer!
It’s summertime, and the livin’ is easy…but it’s not always easy on our feet! It’s sandal season, and you want your toes to twinkle, but if you’re heading to the salon every two weeks for a pedicure, it can get…expensive! Luckily it’s perfectly easy to treat your feet to a little vegan TLC with just a
It’s summertime, and the livin’ is easy…but it’s not always easy on our feet! It’s sandal season, and you want your toes to twinkle, but if you’re heading to the salon every two weeks for a pedicure, it can get…expensive!
Luckily it’s perfectly easy to treat your feet to a little vegan TLC with just a few items and some time. Here’s a photo essay of my DIY vegan pedicure to help you get started:
Some of the things you’ll want to have on hand…polish remover, bath salts, foot scrub and lotion…and polish of course! Sparitual is my favorite fully vegan line of polish.
Oh, you also need a towel and a large bowl (big enough for your feet!) full of warm water…add your bath salts, soak and relax with a glass of fresh juice (or wine!) and your favorite magazine.
Once your feet are nice and supple, rub them vigorously with a vegan foot scrub.
Now it’s time to get rid of all those calluses!
Rub your feet with your favorite vegan foot lotion. Now push back your cuticles (you may need a cuticle softener, depending on how long you have soaked your feet).
After wiping your nails clean so that there is no lotion residue, polish with your favorite color! You may want to add a top coat to make it last longer.
Sensor helps prevent nighttime hypoglycaemia
A sensor attached to an insulin pump helps prevent dangerously low blood sugar levels in patients with type 1 diabetes, a new study finds.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Brain's impersonation centre found
Benefits available to those exposed to 9/11 toxins
NEW YORK (AP) — New York officials are reaching out to people who may have been physically affected by the 9/11 attacks to tell them they may still be eligible for health benefits.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Men prefer feminine features for a fling
A study said that men looking for a quick fling prefer women with more "feminine" facial features.
How to Respond to…”If everyone went vegan, what would happen to all the farm animals?”
“If everyone went vegan, what would happen to all the farm animals? If it weren’t for humans, sheep would be extinct!”
I remember the first time I was asked this question, I was quite shocked. I’m sad to report that I ranted and rambled and didn’t give a good answer at all, and the person who asked me walked away, quite smug.
In retrospect, I think the reason I was shocked was because as a vegan I have a very different worldview from someone who lives a lifestyle that incorporates animal products. It was a good reminder that not everyone sees the world the same way I do. It was also a reminder that, despite all the hard work of those in the animal rights community, and the progress that has been made, there is still a real lack of awareness in the mainstream about the realities of factory farming.
This question is not a simple one to answer because it assumes two things that vegans (and certainly I) don’t necessarily believe: 1) that farmed animals are on this earth for the purpose of feeding human beings; and 2) that being part of the system that supports a diet that includes animal products (thereby “allowing” domesticated animals to have a purposeful existence) is a good thing. So to answer it, you have to take a step back.
My answer to this question (because I have been asked it a few times since that first encounter) goes something like this:
“If everyone went vegan we would no longer have animals being born into a cruel system that gives them no kind of life any creature in their right mind would desire. Maybe farmed animal species would die out, and maybe they wouldn’t - maybe there would still be people who would keep cows, pigs, sheep, chickens and other farmed animals as members of their families – because all of these animals have attributes that make them wonderful companions. But the point is that we are currently breeding animals and bringing them into a life of slavery and misery, and the more people who go vegan and refuse to support that system, the better.”
Though it is difficult information to take in, and even more difficult to watch, we have a responsibility to be aware of what really goes on, and bear witness, for the sake of the animals who suffer and die every day. When you know you will be able to talk about the facts knowledgably, raising the awareness that is needed in order for significant change to happen. If you would like to read more about the way animals are treated on factory farms, check out these links:
- From CTV’s W5: Undercover investigation reveals disturbing and inhumane treatment of factory farm animals
- Factory Farming in Canada
- 11 facts about factory farming
- Mercy for Animals
- Farm Sanctuary
Eat for Your Eyes

Every morning I wash my face and gently pat eye cream under my eyes to help prevent wrinkles. And most days I put on concealer, eye shadow, and mascara so my eyes look just so. But what I was neglecting to do, until I started working with Baush & Lomb’s eye and vitamin supplement Ocuvite, was to think about the health of my actual eyes.
Lose Cellulite Fast at Home - Simple Tips To Eliminate Cellulite
Novartis heart drug gets FDA's 'breakthrough' status
ZURICH (Reuters) - Swiss pharmaceuticals company Novartis said on Friday U.S. regulators have given breakthrough therapy status to an investigational treatment for patients with acute heart failure, potentially fast tracking its development and approval. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) created the "breakthrough therapy" designation earlier this year for medicines deemed likely to demonstrate "substantial improvement" over existing drugs. ...
Courtesy of Yahoo News
1 in 3 women worldwide is abused
The first major global review of violence against women finds that physical and sexual abuse against women by their partners is still a very big problem, with rates highest in Africa.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Study Suggests 5 Minute Workouts Burn More Fat
You probably think that there is no point to doing a workout that only lasts five minutes. But a new research study published by Medicine and Science in Sports & Exercise might give you a reason to rethink that rationale. Researchers found that when a group of young men completed five minute workouts spaced thirty minutes apart, they were able to burn more fat than when they completed continuous 40 minute sessions of exercise.
GSK links with French venture firm to target rare diseases
LONDON (Reuters) - GlaxoSmithKline is investing 17.5 million euros ($23.5 million) in a new venture fund to invest in drugs for rare diseases, underscoring the growing role of big drugmakers in backing start-up companies. GSK and many of its rivals are becoming more active in funding early-stage companies, reflecting both a desire to tap into smart ideas from outside their own laboratories and a scarcity of finance from many traditional venture capital firms. ...
Read the full article.
Dietary fructose may causes liver damage
A diet high in fructose has been shown to cause damage to the liver, research shows.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Fibre-optic pen sees inside brains of children
Researchers have designed a computer-interfaced drawing pad that helps scientists see inside the brains of children with learning disabilities while they read and write.
Philosophy Skin Care
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
1 in 10 in SA has addiction problem
Autistic kids find human voice unpleasant
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Study blames men for menopause
Friday, June 14, 2013
Men are the cause of menopause, study claims
Thursday, June 13, 2013
HIV drug can also protect injection drug users
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Scepticism needed when buying foods labelled 'healthy'
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
More doctors starting to favour 'wrist route' to heart: study
Nerve stimulation might ease fibromyalgia pain
An implanted device that zaps the nerves at the nape of the neck may also help ease the ache of fibromyalgia.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Healthy Monday Tip: Find Out Why You Can't Lose Weight
Do you know why you can't lose weight? If you knew the answer to that question, you'd probably be thinner, right? Most people who can't lose weight, spend most of their time trying new diets, starting new exercise programs and focusing on what they can do in the future. But the key to successful weight loss for people who have tried and failed to lose weight, might be found in your past.
...Collagen Cream Has Been Touted As Being Very Beneficial
Ranger and Skinny are township’s top dogs
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Protect Your Skin On Your Next Picnic
Friday, June 7, 2013
Low breast-feeding rate linked to early deaths
Low breast-feeding rates are a serious threat to women's health and a drain on a nation's health, according to a new study.
UV Rays and Skin Damage
Mississippi aims to curb teen pregnancy with umbilical blood law
The Pill tied to lower ovarian cancer risk
Women who use birth control pills are less likely to develop ovarian cancer later in life, a new analysis of past studies suggests.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Anti-doping drive goes national
No More, No Less, Just Raw Shea Butter
When it comes to a product that is sure to give you the beauty results you need without any side effects, shea butter is what you need to have. With the organic butter's many properties to ease signs of aging, heal skin problems, and provide nourishment to the skin, this natural product is the beauty item that should be no more and no less.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Tackling junk food will boost world economy
The UN's food agency said obesity and poor nutrition weigh heavily on the global economy and told governments that investing in food health would bring big economic as well as social returns.
Analysis: New cancer breakthroughs add pressure to control costs
Smokers cost employers thousands
Staff members who smokes can cost their employer up to R57 000 a year compared to non-smokers, research shows.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Vaccine exemptions rising, tied to whooping cough
Monday, June 3, 2013
BDSM practitioners aren't mentally ill
Some Natural Remedies on How to Get Rid Of Stretch Marks
Healthy Monday Tip: Best Workouts to Lose Weight
There is no single workout that necessarily works better for weight loss. High intensity interval training is very effective, but it must be combined with other workouts in order to be effective for weight loss and improved health. But there is a type of training that has gained more attention from weight loss researchers in recent years: strength training.