Monday, July 30, 2012
Skin Care Beauty Tips
The best treatment is done with preventive efforts. Try different anti-stress treatments. Eat healthy. Drink alcohol with moderation. Take care of your beauty sleep. I know it doesn't sound all that fun, but no gain without pain.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Barbara Hannah Grufferman: Fight 'Bat Wings' With These 2 Star-Approved Exercises
A few years ago I turned 50 and realized that I had been letting myself go: Packing on the post-menopausal pounds and not doing any regular exercise, it was all really starting to show.
Unsure of what steps to take, I did what so many of us do under these circumstances: nothing. When the weight gain started to go past 15 pounds and my arms took on the look of bat wings, I decided that drastic measures were required.
I started eating all the right things (and stopped eating the ones that were wreaking havoc on my health and weight) and embarked on a run/walk program developed by Olympian runner Jeff Galloway, eventually losing all 15 lbs and going down an entire pant size.
But even though I was fitter (and a lot healthier), my upper arms were still as mushy as ever (my daughters would say "squishy"). It's true that as we get older, firming up certain parts of our bodies isn't as easy as it once was. But I soon found out it is far from impossible.
For many years I had heard about the NYC-based celebrity trainer David Kirsch, who regularly works with Heidi Klum, Anne Hathaway, Ellen Barkin and many others. In the name of research (I was just starting to write "The Best of Everything After 50", I called David and told him that I wanted to get stronger and firmer -- with a special focus on my upper arms -- so he graciously invited me to come to his world-famous gym for a little assessment. When he asked me to get down and "do 10" (push-ups), he didn't laugh or smirk or roll his eyes when I couldn't even do one. Instead, David gave me a challenge I couldn't refuse:
Barbara, do these two exercises -- which I will show you -- every day for four weeks. When you come back to see me again, your body -- especially your upper arms -- will be transformed. I guarantee it.
Result? My arms developed curves I never thought I would ever have, and I can now do 20 or more push-ups (yes, at the same time, smarty pants). I am stronger, feel more powerful and I know I'm doing everything right to fight osteoporosis. (I'm proud to report that the National Osteoporosis Foundation will be honoring me at an awards luncheon on September 24th in NYC because of my articles about creating a sustainable approach to healthy and positive aging.)
That was three years ago, and I still do them every day. Just as David challenged me, here's my challenge to you: Do these two exercises every day for four weeks, exactly as I outlined below (correct form is key: check out the short video showing me doing push-ups below) and then look in the mirror and let me know what you see. (Or better yet, have someone take a "before" and "after" photo of you wearing a spaghetti strap dress.) Of course, you'll look even better if you follow the healthy eating plan designed specifically for post-50 women and burn some calories by running and/or walking -- see the chapter on fitness for exact details. But even if you do nothing else, you will see a change. And keep it going! These exercises are not a quick fix, although they do work remarkably fast. They are for life.
Here's what you'll need:
- yoga mat
- sneakers
- form fitting workout clothes (so you can check on your form)
- timer
Here are the rules:
- Get the green light from your doctor.
- Do these every day.
- Do one set in the very beginning, but work up to three sets.
- Do these moves as a "circuit" (move very quickly from one exercise to the other so you're getting a cardio workout, too).
- Follow the exact directions for each move (details below).
- Remember to breathe.
- Take a 10 second "breather" between each set.
Other things you can do to help with your overall fitness program:
- Try to do some kind of cardio exercise every day for at least 30 minutes: Walk, run, elliptical, swim, bike, Zumba... Whatever you enjoy doing.
- Eat small, healthy meals throughout the day (every two to three hours) that include whole grains, dark leafy greens and no processed foods or sugar.
- Drink lots of water and green tea
And here are the two exercises that will transform your upper arms (and other parts, too!):
The Push-Up:
Nothing symbolizes fitness quite like the simple push-up. It tests your entire body by engaging every part of it -- arms, chest, abdomen, hips and legs. Doing them is the easiest, fastest and most effective way to get fit. They are the gold standard. You may need to start with a modified push-up (on your knees), but eventually, you'll build up to the full push-up.
How to do a full push-up: Make your entire body straight, like a plank, with your toes and the balls of your feet on the mat, and hands directly under your chest. Using your arms, go down to the count of four, and back up to the count of four. Do 12 to 15 reps. (Watch this YouTube video of me demonstrating how to do a push-up, below. David taught me that how low you go is not the most important thing. Keeping the proper form is.)
The Plank: This is an incredibly hard, but Zen-like position that is one of the most effective exercises you can do because it works your entire body, including your upper arms.
How to do The Plank: Hold your body in a "plank" position, simulating the "up" part of a push-up (see YouTube video above), but stay there, holding perfectly still, for 30 to 60 seconds. Keep your abs tight and your back flat the entire time. Try to lengthen your whole body, reaching back through your heels and forward through the top of your head. Your heart will be pounding, your arms will be shaking, but try to make it to 60 seconds (or more).
You can do it!
* * *
Barbara Hannah Grufferman is the President of Best of Everything Media, Inc., author of "The Best of Everything After 50", a guide to positive aging, and is at work on her second book, "Fifty Rules: What Every Woman Needs to Know Before Turning 50," which will be published in late 2012. Barbara is the Chief Pundit at Fab Over Fifty, one of the largest websites for women over 45. She can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Earlier on Huff/Post50:
Yoga offers a <a href="" target="_hplink">myriad of wellness benefits:</a> flexibility, balance, centeredness, strength, mindfulness and others. Yoga is a great option for aging bodies, as it promotes working within your own comfort zone. Postures and sequences range from gentle and relaxing to more intensive for advanced yogis.
Another way to promote flexibility and overall health is incorporating some simple stretches into your daily routine, be it at home, at the gym or even outdoors. Stretching prevents injury, <a href="" target="_hplink">can relieve back pain</a> and boosts energy. Note: It's important to stretch properly to avoid injury. Check out some good <a href="" target="_hplink">examples of stretches here</a> and these <a href="" target="_hplink">common stretching mistakes</a>.
Biking is a great low-impact, cardiovascular workout, not to mention it's a lot of fun. There are a few ways to incorporate biking into your routine. Joy rides in your free time are always a good option -- alone or with a group. You could consider joining a local bike group or riding to nearby destinations instead of taking the car. <a href="" target="_hplink">Stationary bikes</a> also have great health benefits. Already a cycler? Here's how to get <a href="" target="_hplink">more benefit from your bike ride</a>.
Brisk Walks
One of the most <a href="" target="_hplink">beneficial exercises</a> is something humans have been doing for centuries: walking. Simple modifications to your routine, like parking further away and walking the extra distance or taking the stairs instead of the elevator, can really add up to boost your overall health. For an even greater benefit, take brisk walks that get your heart rate up.
<a href="" target="_hplink">Pilates</a> is another low-impact exercise that's ideal for aging bodies. It's similar to yoga but puts more emphasis on gaining control and balance of the body by strengthening the core muscles. Pilates can be done in a class or at home with a video or other guide. <a href="" target="_hplink">This piece</a> offers a great run-down of the activity, along with images of some classic pilates stretches and workouts.
Tennis is a classic sport, well-loved for being fun and <a href="" target="_hplink">great for you</a>. It's a strong aerobic workout and helps keep you agile, especially important as you get older. Tennis is also a very social activity -- great for the body, mind and spirit!
Swimming is easy on the body and is also one of the most comprehensive workouts, hitting <a href="" target="_hplink">all the major muscle groups</a>: shoulders, back, abdominals, legs, hips and glutes. If you're getting serious about swimming, it's important to learn proper techniques, but even free-styling in the local pool or outdoors in the summer is a great way to exercise.
Dancing is one of those activities that doesn't feel like working out, but is an incredible <a href="" target="_hplink">aerobic exercise</a>. It's a good option for those that want more physical activity but don't like the gym or in the winter when it's harder to get outdoors. There are a bunch of styles to choose from: ballroom dancing, contra dancing, salsa, ballet, tap, country and others.
As the body ages, running and jogging can take a toll on the joints, knees or back and potentially cause injury. An elliptical cross-training machine is an alternative to running, which still gets your heart rate up but at a <a href="" target="_hplink">lower impact</a>.
Strengthening Exercises
You can take a simple walk to the next level by bringing weights along to build strength in your arms and boost the cardio benefits. Strength-building techniques like pushups, squats and lunges are easy to do at home or can be squeezed into buckets of free time throughout the day.
Follow Barbara Hannah Grufferman on Twitter:
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Asthma Attack
Asthma develops in the lungs and pulmonary system and when a person gets a virus infection it in the lungs, it can bring on an asthma attack. A person not even knowing they have asthma (inflammation in the airways) can sometimes have an attack. A simple cold or flu can bring on an asthma attack as well. A virus infection does not cause asthma but will bring out the worst of asthma. A known study found that children with frequent virus infections at the age of 3 showed a lower risk of having asthma.
Asthma attacks are not only limited to the tightening of the muscles of the air tube but it can be caused by the inflammation of the airway’s lining as well. Have you ever experienced scraping your knee? If you’re observant, you will notice that the knee area swells and a fluid oozes out. This fluid is made up of cells which fight the infection but it also contributes to swelling. The same thing happens in the airways. When the airways are inflamed, the lining oozes out fluid which contributes to swelling and at the same time, it obstructs the air passage.
This writer also writes Does Cold Sore Zapper Work.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Dr. Karen Becker: Is Every Trip to the Vet Traumatic for Your Pet? This Service Could Be for You
A growing number of pet owners are turning to mobile veterinarians or "vets on wheels" to care for furry family members.
Mobile vet clinics can be an ideal solution for families with pets who are:
• Shy, scared or skittish
• Elderly
• Large breed dogs with mobility problems
• Aggressive
Having your vet come to you instead of the other way around can also be a blessing for:
• Multi-pet households
• People with hectic or unpredictable schedules
• Couples with a new baby or young children at home
• Shut-ins, senior citizens, and people who don't drive
• Breeders who don't want to expose very young animals to other patients
Why Some Pet Owners Prefer Mobile to Brick-and-Mortar Vet Clinics
Many family pets, especially cats, experience extreme, debilitating stress when they must travel even a short distance. It's not unusual for a very distressed, frightened cat or dog to vomit or lose bladder or bowel control on car rides to and from the vet's office.
With a vet on wheels, the travel your pet endures is no more than a short walk down the driveway to the waiting mobile vet unit.
Lots of pets and their owners find waiting around for the vet during a clinic visit unnerving. When your vet comes to you, you're waiting in the comfort of your own home, and your pet remains calm.
Families with several pets can get everyone wellness checked at the same time. This avoids multiple vet appointments or trying to wrangle several pets at once to, from and at the veterinary clinic.
Often, examining a pet in his own environment is more helpful and productive than attempting to diagnose a problem when the animal is stressed out during a visit to the vet.
Also, having your vet come to you lowers the risk your pet will be exposed to diseases that may be lurking in a clinic waiting room. This is a tremendous advantage if your pet is very young, elderly or has a weakened immune system.
Many owners who are facing the death of a beloved companion prefer to have their pet euthanized at home, surrounded by family members.
Potential Drawbacks to Using a Mobile Veterinary Service
While there are a number of benefits to using a mobile veterinary service, there are also some drawbacks you should be prepared for if you decide to look into the service for your pet.
• Availability of services. While mobile vet units seem to be catching on with both new DVMs and those who want to expand their existing practices, there are still many more brick-and-mortar veterinary practices than there are clinics on wheels. If you don't already know of a mobile vet in your area, I recommend either Googling the information or contacting your state veterinary medical association for assistance. You can also check the listings at the American Association of Housecall Veterinarians or the AAHV.
In addition, currently most mobile DVMs are the equivalent of primary care doctors for humans. In other words, you won't find veterinary specialists aboard a mobile unit, nor are you apt to find integrative or holistic vets, or specialists in pet chiropractic, acupuncture or physical rehabilitation.
• Appointment scheduling. Due to travel, set-up time and other peculiarities of operating a mobile vet clinic, DVMs-on-wheels are able to see far fewer patients each day than their counterparts in regular practice. You could run into a situation where appointments are booked far in advance, which may or may not work with your needs or the needs of your pet.
• Cost. Mobile veterinary services are typically more expensive than the same services at traditional veterinary clinics. Travel to and from appointments carries its own expense, and each mobile call takes considerably longer than regular clinic visits. Mobile vets have no choice but to charge higher fees for the convenience of bringing their clinic to their patients rather than the other way around.
• Limited services. While some mobile veterinary units are well-equipped to perform an amazing menu of medical services, many are limited to just a few types of exams and procedures. If your pet is very ill or requires a specialist, a mobile unit probably isn't the way to go. Mobile clinics are also not typically equipped to handle emergencies.
Dr. Karen Becker is a proactive and integrative wellness veterinarian. You can visit her site at:
Her goal is to help you create wellness in order to prevent illness in the lives of your pets. This proactive approach seeks to save you and your pet from unnecessary stress and suffering by identifying and removing health obstacles even before disease occurs. Unfortunately, most veterinarians in the United States are trained to be reactive. They wait for symptoms to occur, and often treat those symptoms without addressing the root cause.
By reading Dr. Becker's information, you'll learn how to make impactful, consistent lifestyle choices to improve your pet's quality of life.
For more by Dr. Karen Becker, click here.
For more on pet health, click here.
Laser Hair Removal Is Way Way Better Than Shaving
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Healthy Skin Care Means a Younger You
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Understanding VelaShape: Is It Right for You?
If you've heard of VelaShape, it probably sounded like miracle cure for cellulite! VelaShape is one of many tools that women everywhere add to their cellulite-fighting arsenal because of the great online and word of mouth reviews from friends and practitioners alike. Although it is a highly effective treatment that can make a big difference to your body, it does require a bit of lifestyle care to realize its full potential. So before you run to your local medical spa in a frenzy, it's a good idea to investigate how it works and what's involved. That way, you can make any suggested lifestyle adjustments that might enhance its treatment capabilities, and also feel confident that it's safe and has potential for being effective for your specific set of needs. Here is some valuable information regarding how VelaShape works to fight cellulite and what your best treatment options might be.
Chris Spurlock: 'Why I Love My Standing Desk'
If you really want to make friends with your coworkers (or just get strange looks from them), try standing two or three feet above them all day long. That's right, get yourself a standing desk.
When I first started working at The Huffington Post in June 2011, the buzz surrounding the health benefits of standing desks had just begun. In college, I hacked together a makeshift standing desk using a milk crate and an old cardboard box, and I loved it. But, being the smallest fish in a very big pond at HuffPost, I didn't want to "stand" out (pun intended) in a bad way, so I reluctantly went about my day from a seated position.
To my pleasant surprise, a few weeks later, I found a treadmill desk in the office. "Hey, maybe this company is more receptive to this movement than I thought." So, I took to working from the desk on occasion, and actually blogged about it, too. Unfortunately, the setup wasn't the most convenient thing in the world (for obvious reasons), and I found myself at the desk less and less each week.
After a few painful months hunched over at my desk, my brilliant colleague Justin Isaf pulled me aside and asked if I would join him in requesting a pair of standing desks for the two of us. Of course I was willing to help, and when our new standing desks arrived a few weeks later, I was happy as a clam.
For the eight weeks I used that desk, I felt like a million bucks. Sure, I got some funny looks from my coworkers, but overall it was an amazing experience. Not only was I feeling healthier and more energized, but it gave me an opportunity to meet new people and tell them about the dangers of sitting all day.
Sadly, when I left the New York office in mid-May in favor of a remote working arrangement in my native St. Louis, I couldn't take the desk with me. Of course, I told myself I would set up my own standing workstation at home, but I got busy and lazy, and two months later I find myself typing this while hunched over at a small desk in my kitchen.
Unfortunately for me, I suffer from a particularly painful inflammatory condition called costochondritis (otherwise known as Tietze syndrome). Most likely caused by a combination of stress and spinal misalignment, the cartilage that connects my ribs to my sternum becomes inflamed and causes sharp stabbing pains, pressure and tightness in my chest, and occasionally pain that radiates down my arm and in my back. It's not only painful but terrifying, since the symptoms mimic a heart attack. The condition flared up once or twice in New York, but once I got the standing desk I didn't have any issues. I was thrilled. But, now that I'm back to working all day from a seated position, it's back and more painful than ever.
So, I'm now in the process of hacking together another standing desk using an old dresser and some scrap plywood. It should be about a $20 project, but the benefits will be priceless.
For anyone suffering from back pain or any other inflammatory condition caused by spinal issues, I'd recommend giving the standing desk a shot. Sure, you might get some funny looks, but you might also rid yourself of chronic pain and discomfort and add a few years on to your life, too.
Have you tried (or considered trying) a standing desk? Let me know about your experience in the comments!
For more by Chris Spurlock, click here.
For more on personal health, click here.
Follow Chris Spurlock on Twitter:
Monday, July 23, 2012
Get Rid of Cellulite Without Changing Your Diet
Vegan in the Courtroom [illustration]
As vegan issues become increasingly familiar to a mainstream audience, legislation all over the world is changing. Many organizations and individuals are working hard, every day, to fight for better rights and conditions for animals, for the eradication of the factory farming system, for the way large companies are marketing food to our children, and more.
As vegan issues become increasingly familiar to a mainstream audience, legislation all over the world is changing. Many organizations and individuals are working hard, every day, to fight for better rights and conditions for animals, for the eradication of the factory farming system, for the way large companies are marketing food to our children, and more. This week on Vegan Mainstream we will be talking about some of the legislative bills that are on the table, and how you can get involved!
Tips On Managing Cold Sore Symptoms
To prevent outbreaks from happening in the first place try to steer clear of stressful situations. Stress can and will trigger cold sores to form. Excessive exposure to sunlight can trigger cold sores also. So, make sure to use a sunscreen when you will be out in the sun for a long periods of time. Sometimes it seems as if just thinking about them can trigger them and that is the worst of all, basically getting them for no reason.
Some individuals feel the best way to treat one of these pesky sores is to try to avoid them in the first place. These types of remedies for cold sores involve pre-treatment for folks who are prone to getting several cold sores each year.
Don't re-infect yourself by using the same toothbrush or toothpaste. Buy a new toothbrush and toothpaste at the first sign of an outbreak.
Do you want more help in controlling the herpes virus? Here is an article that can relieve the oral herpes symptoms.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
An Alternative To Surgery That Builds Collagen Naturally
Everyone is looking for a way to stay longing long as possible. However, if you are like me you are not so drastic as to go under the knife and use surgery as the final solution. This caused me to look around at the alternatives to Surgery and the number products that are in the skincare industry is huge. So which ones work and what does not work? How many provide the write ingredients, but to keep the price low they reduce the amount of effective ingredients down the point of making the product useless? How many company's actually do the research to find the products and the ingredients in their products just to be sure that they actually work?
Friday, July 20, 2012
Say Goodbye to Cellulite and Hello to a Smooth Skin
Thursday, July 19, 2012
The Primary Reasons for Dehydrated Hands!
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Using Papaya Soap for Healthy Glowing Skin!
People judge others on how they take care of themselves. This is why men and women try so hard to maintain a healthy looking skin. These days, a lot of skin products are coming onto the market.
Monday, July 16, 2012
There Is An Alternative To Surgery To Restore Your Youthful Appearance
If you are like me you want to look as young as possible for as long as possible. It seems to be human nature to want to retain the look of youth. This becomes even truer as we get older and we start to see the effects of age on our appearance. Then the desire to look younger becomes even stronger because people think that it is too late. The good news is that it is not too late. There are things you can do to return to that youthful appearance.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Juice vs. Smoothies: which should you choose?
You are looking for a quick and easy way to get in a day’s (or most of a day’s) worth of vitamins and nutrients, and decide you will make some fresh green juice; I mean smoothie; I mean juice. Ugh, which is it? Should you juice, or should you make a smoothie? Which is best [...]
You are looking for a quick and easy way to get in a day’s (or most of a day’s) worth of vitamins and nutrients, and decide you will make some fresh green juice; I mean smoothie; I mean juice. Ugh, which is it? Should you juice, or should you make a smoothie? Which is best health-wise?
Let’s look at a comparison between the two.
It is wise to invest in a high-powered blender like the Vitamix and a good juicer. The options are nearly endless for juicers, so we will save that for another time (hint, hint).Whether you choose a smoothie or a juice, both are wonderful options. Just be sure to include wholesome and healthy ingredients. Too much fruit in a juice can raise your sugar intake. Other ingredients such as milks, nut butters, etc. in a smoothie can quickly raise your calorie count and fat intake.
To help get you started, here are some recipes to guide you:
Blueberry Smoothie
This smoothie makes for a great breakfast drink.
½ bunch organic parsley
½ to ¾ C frozen blueberries
½ inch piece ginger root
¼ lemon, including the peel, not the seeds
½ C filtered water
Combine all ingredients in blender until smooth. Enjoy!
Broccoli, Kale, and Celery Juice
2 broccoli florets
½ kale leaf
½ celery stalk
2 small carrots (remove the ends)
¼ apple, cored
½ C ice cubes
(recipes from The Complete Book of Raw Food)
How To Cope With Hypochondria
By Angela Haupt for U.S. News Health
Headache? It must be a brain tumor. Bruise on your leg? Leukemia. Slightly nauseous? Either cancer or a heart attack.
Welcome to the life of a hypochondriac.
We've become a nation of them, says Catherine Belling, an assistant professor of medical humanities and bioethics at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine. In her new book "A Condition of Doubt: The Meanings of Hypochondria", she explores our increasing anxiety about our health, as well as the way hypochondriacs are perceived by the public and their doctors. "Hypochondria is not a mental illness, so much as it is an extremely irrational response to the uncertainty of medicine," she says. "We think of these people as silly, as demanding attention they don't really need. But no doctor can ever tell you that you're 100 percent healthy and will be forever. It causes a lot of misery and becomes a real nightmare for patients and doctors."
People who suffer from hypochondria make frequent doctors' appointments, insist on unnecessary tests, and see physical illness where medicine says there is none. They fret needlessly over diseases that procedures prove they don't have. They're obsessed with the idea that a disease is lurking, awaiting the right doctor and diagnosis. They experience ordinary discomforts more intensely than others, sinking often into a full-blown panic. They grow angry with physicians who fail to acknowledge sinister symptoms.
One driving factor, Belling argues, is that we're constantly being bombarded with messages telling us we might be sick, even if we have no symptoms. Public health pushes call for disease awareness months and an emphasis on early detection and screening; people are overly alert to symptoms and eager to get tested. "It's a massive contributor," she says. "We're being trained to think like hypochondriacs: 'Just because I feel fine, doesn't mean there's not something developing inside me right now.'"
Hypochondria affects about one out of every 20 Americans. Here's how to cope, or at least better manage it.
Stay Offline
Dr. Google is full of diagnoses -- plenty of them wrong. Enter a symptom, say, stomach pain, and you'll learn you could have anything from appendicitis to esophageal cancer. And if it's the latter? Well, the outlook is bleak. "People find themselves a lot more anxious after checking these sites," says Brian Fallon, director of the Center for Neuroinflammatory Disorders and Biobehavioral Medicine at Columbia University. Some hypochondriacs, he says, spend hours a day trolling the Web, to the point that it interferes with their daily functioning. "They become so preoccupied and anxious about what they're reading," Fallon says. "Someone with a predisposition to health anxiety can do themselves a huge favor by staying off the net." <strong>More from U.S. News:</strong> <a href="" target="_hplink">Are You Sitting Yourself to Death?</a> <a href="" target="_hplink">Can Your Mental Health Affect Your Longevity?</a> <a href="" target="_hplink">Your Guide to Exercising Through the Ages</a> <em>Flickr photo by <a href="" target="_hplink">the prodigal untitled13</a></em>
Stick With One Doctor
Doctor hopping isn't helpful. But hypochondriacs are inclined to do so -- if one doesn't see anything wrong, they assume, the next one will. Going from one doc to the next increases the likelihood of different diagnoses and unnecessary tests. Find one who you trust, and don't make a change, Belling says. Try to create a good relationship with him, too. Be open and honest about your concerns and struggles. The right doctor will be supportive and will help direct your attention away from symptoms. "Hypochondriacs need to realize that that one perfect doctor who can find everything or cure everything doesn't exist," Belling says.
Forget The Self-Checks
Obsessively monitoring your pulse? Blood pressure? Temperature? Put the at-home medical devices away. Focus on something aside from your body -- it's much healthier and more productive. <em>Flickr photo by <a href="" target="_hplink">me and the sysop</a></em>
Join A Support Group
Connect with others who share similar concerns. You can swap knowledge and coping strategies, provide reassurance, and answer each other's questions. And it helps to know that you're not alone. <em>Flickr photo by <a href="" target="_hplink">Mosman Council</a></em>
Be Active
Exercising helps ease stress, depression and anxiety. No need for it to be intense, either: walk the dog, go swimming or do some gardening. Stress makes sufferers feel more anxious, and may also exacerbate symptoms they already have. <em>Flickr photo by <a href="" target="_hplink">Magnus BrƄth</a></em>
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
It's designed to help you recognize -- and stop -- behavior that's linked with your anxiety. Sometimes it includes exposure therapy: directly confronting and learning to cope with your fears. "If someone won't go to cancer hospitals because they're afraid they're going to get cancer, we take them there," says Jon Abramowitz, a professor of psychology with the University of North Carolina Clinical Psychology Program. "Or they won't exercise because they think it will blow out their heart, so we make them do it." Research suggests CBT is effective; patients typically need about 16 to 20 sessions to see a difference. "People learn to look at things more objectively. You've been to 20 doctors and they all say nothing is wrong, so what does that suggest?"
Learn About Your Condition
What is hypochondria? Why do you have it? Education is empowering -- and can motivate you to stick to a treatment plan. Understanding the condition often helps ease sufferers' worries. <strong>More from U.S. News:</strong> <a href="" target="_hplink">Are You Sitting Yourself to Death?</a> <a href="" target="_hplink">Can Your Mental Health Affect Your Longevity?</a> <a href="" target="_hplink">Your Guide to Exercising Through the Ages</a> <em>Flickr photo by <a href="" target="_hplink">pedrosimoes7</a></em>
Related Video
For more on personal health, click here.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
WATCH: Foods That Are Belly Fat Traps, From Joy Bauer
Health and nutrition expert, Joy Bauer, recently joined me on Mondays with Marlo, and she told me about the main causes of belly fat. Not only is it overeating, but it's the calories we consume without thinking about them. Find out what Joy says are the best ways around these traps.
And, if you'd like more wonderful advice from Joy Bauer, take a look at some of her top foods for everything from healthy hair and teeth to wrinkle reduction and stress relief. Or, take a look at her website.
Skim Milk To Relieve Stress
Having a tense day? Turns out special proteins found in milk may help ease anxiety and boost mood by lowering blood pressure and increasing serotonin activity in the brain. Try a mug of dark chocolate hot cocoa in particularly stressful times; it combines two stress-relieving ingredients--dark chocolate and skim milk--in one delicious drink. For more of Joy's stress relieving foods visit her website,<a href="" target="_hplink"></a>.
Watermelon To Slim Down
The name says it all--this fruit is 92 percent water, which can help you fill up and rid your body of excess sodium. Plus, this super-sweet fruit, packed with vitamin C, contains about 100 calories per cup or large wedge, so it's a great snack if you're trying to lose weight. For more of Joy's slimming foods visit her website, <a href="" target="_hplink"></a>.
Jicama To Beat Bloating
Expand your produce horizon and try jicama. This low-calorie root vegetable has a crisp texture and slightly sweet, nutty flavor and happens to be a great source of potassium, which has anti-bloat properties. Jicama is a high-volume, low-cal snack at just 50 filling calories per cup. For more of Joy's slimming foods visit her website, <a href="" target="_hplink"></a>.
Sweet Potatoes To Fight Aging
Sweet potatoes are a dynamite source of beta-carotene (their bright orange color is a dead giveaway). Your body converts beta-carotene to vitamin A, a nutrient that helps to continually generate new, healthy skin cells. For more of Joy's age-fighting foods visit her website, <a href="" target="_hplink"></a>.
Spinach To Fight Wrinkles
Spinach delivers a triple does of wrinkle-fighting antioxidants: vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta-carotene. All three work in concert to protect your skin from the sun's UV rays so it stays vibrant and healthy. For more of Joy's age-fighting foods visit her website <a href="" target="_hplink"></a>.
Oysters For Hair Growth
The mineral zinc is involved in tissue growth and repair--and that includes hair growth. Low levels of zinc can cause hair loss, slow growth, and dandruff. But the amount you get from eating foods rich in zinc--such as oysters, crab, clams, liver, lean beef, most nuts and seeds, peanut butter, wheat germ, fat-free yogurt, and chestnuts--is plenty to keep your tresses gorgeous. For more of Joy's top foods for great hair visit her website <a href="" target="_hplink"></a>.
Tropical Fruit For Great Skin
Eating guava, pineapple, papaya, kiwi and other tropical fruits that contain vitamin C will help defend your skin against damaging free radicals. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that is naturally found in the skin, so eating tropical fruits and other vitamin C-rich foods can replenish your skin's stores. Vitamin C also helps your body produce collagen, a protein that helps keep your skin firm and elastic. For more of Joy's foods for great skin visit her website, <a href="" target="_hplink"></a>.
Salmon For Healthy Eyes
Foods that are high in anti-oxidants and omega-3 fatty acids are great for your eye health because they help support the vessels in the eyes. Foods like salmon and sardines with their healthy portions of omega-3 fatty acids make the list, as does anti-oxidant rich spinach. For more of Joy's top food for a healthy diet visit her website, <a href="" target="_hplink"></a>.
Almonds To Lower Cholesterol
Eating a handful of nuts in the afternoon can actually help lower your cholesterol. The two tops nuts for this are pistachios and almonds, but be careful not to over eat with these nuts, since they are high in fat. For more of Joy's top food for a healthy diet visit her website, <a href="" target="_hplink"></a>.
Vegetables For Unlimited Portions
While portion control is important, when it comes to non-starchy vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, kale and spinach there's no need to limit yourself. You'll never gain weight from eating too much of these veggies, so fill up your plate! For more of Joy's top food for a healthy diet visit her website, <a href="" target="_hplink"></a>.
Protein To Boost Your Metabolism
Since protein is harder to digest, your body has to work harder to breakdown it down, which is kickstart for your metabolism. Make it a point to go out of your way to include protein-rich foods like non-fat greek yogurt, egg whites, fish, and skinless chicken. You can even try adding yogurt, skim milk or whey protein powder to smoothies. For more of Joy's top food for a healthy diet visit her website, <a href="" target="_hplink"></a>.
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Filed by Jessy Whitehead |
Monday, July 9, 2012
Hair Follicle Diseases - An Overview Of Common Hair Follicle Diseases
Friday, July 6, 2012
My Skin And Sunscreen
Most of us think of sunscreen as just another lotion they say we should be using, or it's just for the other people that spend a lot of time in the sun, or the sunscreens available are too greasy to use. These are probably excuses you have used at one time or another to avoid using a sunscreen or because you do not know the effects of the sun on your skin.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
8 Blogs for Vegan Fashionistas
The Vegan Fashion Scene is HOT – and not just because it’s summer. Cruelty-free products are becoming increasingly mainstream as more and more companies are creating and sourcing fabulous vegan and eco-friendly shoes, clothing, beauty products, accessories, and more!

The Vegan Fashion Scene is HOT – and not just because it’s summer. Cruelty-free products are becoming increasingly mainstream as more and more companies are creating and sourcing fabulous vegan and eco-friendly shoes, clothing, beauty products, accessories, and more! Gone are the days when a vegan had to choose between their ethics and their sense of style – thank goodness! Here are 8 blogs that will help any vegan fashionista (or fashionister – um – male fashionista?) keep ahead of the trends:
Girlie Girl Army: For Glamazons (and aspiring Glamazons) only! This blog is full of great and current info on lots of stuff – and fashion is high on that list! Interesting articles on what’s new in the fashion world, as well as informative pieces on things like eco-friendly sun protection and what to look for/avoid in your beauty products. Check out Vegan Mainstream’s interview with the Glamazon behind this site, ChloĆ© Jo Davis, here.
Vegan Fashion Blog: With advice and info on everything from purses & accessories to skin & haircare products to stores & restaurants, this blog is one to keep your eye on. Also a great place to keep up to date on upcoming vegan events – and they have giveaways too!
The Ethical Man: This blog has the goal of making shopping less painful and more pleasurable for men – especially those who really care about where their gear comes from. Check this blog out for interesting information – especially interviews – featuring vegan men – AND for shopping links. To read more about Dan Mims, the brains behind The Ethical Man, see the VM interview here.
Vegan Shoe Addict: Possibly everything you ever wanted or needed to know about vegan shoes is here. Reviews, shopping guides, and shoes for men, women and children. If you are truly a vegan shoe addict, be sure to set aside some time before you go to this site!
Inhabitat: This design blog has a good section on vegan fashion – and there’s lots of other cool stuff about design to check out while you’re there too! With giveaways, contests, interviews and more.
The Streets I Know: This is a very cool blog with lots of info on everything fashion. Don’t miss this one! Check out Vegan Mainstream’s interview with author Melanie Pyves here.
The Discerning Brute: This site officially covers “fashion, food and etiquette for the ethically handsome man,” and it’s definitely a good source of up-to-date info on all three. If it’s not already on your radar, check it out!
Vegan Kicks: A blog all about men’s vegan shoes – posting frequent and detailed information that is well-organized into useful categories. Looking for a stylish new pair of vegan foot coverings? Check this site out!
What are your favorite vegan fashion blogs? Share them here!
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
What You Need to Know About the Safety of Lightening Creams
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Monday, July 2, 2012
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